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It's wonrudfel to have you on our side, haha!
There's a secret about your post. ICTKTBIHTYY
2005.12.28 10:36 Nézzétek meg megújult honlapunkat. Hírek, eredmények, tabellák, videók, dalok:  |
Grazi for maknig it nice and EZ.
If time is money you've made me a weaethilr woman.
The hosenty of your posting is there for all to see
2005.10.31 19:59 „Ez az új menüpont arra szolgál, hogyha történt veled valami megmagyarázhatatlan, vagy lehetetlen, hihetetlen dolog vagy egyáltalán valami különös megérzés, esetleg egy álom, azt ide leyrhasd és megoszthasd az egész világgal. Ha tudok rá magyarázatot adni, megmagyarázom, vagy egyszerűen csak leyrom róla a véleményemet, de természetesen mások is hozzászolhatnak majd.
Terra” |
Good point. I hadn't thgohut about it quite that way. :)
Janice, I'm so happy you liked them. The Painted Veil is BEAUTIFUL, just like the movie. I also love his Harry Potter stuff, The King's Speech and even New Moon haha. That Icelandic composer is amiazng! Thanks for sharing. And I agree, I think it gets harder to concentrate the older you get. I cannot listen to music with words if I'm writing, it just doesn't happen.
I have to agree with your mom on this one. I didn't like the actors pnaiylg Emma or Harriet or the adaptation which was incredibly slow in the beginning and then blew through the important scenes at the end. I still think the Kate Beckinsale version is the best with the Gwyneth Paltrow one a close second.
Persuasion is my favorite JA novel too. I also love the movie. I have the old BBC Emma and had a hard time watnhicg it, but enjoyed the one you mentioned. I started reading Emma but didn't get very far before my daughter took it to school with her. I still need to finish it and still have Mansfield Park and Sense and Sensibility to read. I love your patterns!
Well done to think of sohemting like that
2006.01.18 17:17 nekem monnyuk ez lesz a színem.... /anita/ |
These topics are so conisufng but this helped me get the job done.
2006.01.09 09:35 Tárhelyet a képeknek? Sztem ezt előbb töltsük meg, mert 50 Kb 1500 Ft... Majd ha megtelik, lesz időnk gondolkodni rajta... :) |
Grazi for mankig it nice and EZ.
I feel so much happier now I untadsrend all this. Thanks!
2006.01.22 00:06 Nem, csak meglepő... |
That hits the target dead cenetr! Great answer!
I don't even know what to say, this made things so much eaiser!
Walking in the prneesce of giants here. Cool thinking all around!
I serhcaed a bunch of sites and this was the best.
2005.11.20 09:57 „Klassz oldal!
Hey, you're the goto exrept. Thanks for hanging out here.
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